Who the Fuck are we?

Wouldn’t you like to know.


Hola! My name is Ashley and this is why I say Fuck Eric Clapton:

I was on my way to my parents house for thanksgiving in 2018. Like usual I was running way behind. My job every year was to bring a pie for dessert, and I was so busy that week I never had a chance to make one. But I knew just what to do. Mariano’s market down the road makes excellent Blueberry pies, and with a little bit of trickery, I could dress it up and make it look homemade. Problem solved! I hustled into the bakery and grabbed the very last pie. I then checked out, grabbed my receipt and started to walk out. Just as I turned the corner behind the self checkout I saw him: world famous guitarist, Mr Eric Clapton! And I ran up to say hello. Before I even opened my mouth he shushed me and said “I need that pie! Its the last one and my wife is going to kill me!” I said “sorry sir I need this or my moms gonna kill me. Is there any chance you would have a minute for a picture?” He grumbled and then laughed and then agreed. But as I was reaching for my phone, he gave me a little shove and swiped the receipt out of my hands and started yelling “SECURITY PLEASE HELP! SHES TRYING TO STEAL MY PIE!” Security rushed over and dragged me away. I insisted it was my Pie and that he stole it but they would believe me over a celebrity, and they called the police. That was the day Eric Clapton Stole my pie and got me Arrested. 


Bonjour! My name is Eric and this is why I say Fuck Eric Clapton:

One day in the Autumn of 2005, I was on on a walk with my dog after a day in class at my local elementary school. My dog, Jeffery, was a 3 year old mix of a Corgi and a Shiba Inu. She was beyond cute with big bright eyes and looked like a corgi wearing a shiba inu costume. We were walking down my local park trail enjoying the fall day when I suddenly heard a voice yell out from behind me. I didn’t know at the time but the man yelling was world famous guitarist Eric Clapton. He came charging up to me demanding that I hand over my dog to him because he absolutely must have it. I of course refused as any 11 year old would and started to run away. He screamed something about me not knowing who he was and then He chased after me, pushed me into the cold mud, grabbed Jeffery, and ran away. I never saw my dear dog ever again.  He stole my name and my childhood.  He is an absolute piece of shit.